Difference between for & while loop in python

Difference between for & while loop in python

This is another part of the previous post “what are the 3 types of loops in Python | for loop in python with the condition” and another tutorial of the python programming language for beginners, which is provided by AIDM which is considered as the best python training institute in Delhi.

In Python programming language, the iteration statements, for loop, while loop and do-while loop, permit the arrangement of instructions to be repeatedly executed, till the condition is true and ends when the condition becomes bogus. Conditions in iteration statements might be predefined as in for loop or open-finished as in while loop.

There are a few ‘for’ loop variations in python are suggested to increase its applicability, force and adaptability. For instance, the for loop permits us to utilize more than one variable inside the loop so as to control it, and the utilization of converge function with ‘for’ loop. Conversely, with while loop we can not utilize numerous variations, that must be utilized with the standard language structure.

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Definition of “for” & “while” loop

For Loop

For loop allows a programmer to execute a sequence of statements several times, it abbreviates the code which helps to manage loop variables.

While loop

While loop allows a programmer to repeat a single statement or a group of statements for the TRUE condition. It verifies the condition before executing the loop.

There are some significant differences among for and while loops, which are clarified further with the assistance of a comparison chart.

Different base for comparisonFor While
Declarationfor(initialization; condition; iteration){ //body of ‘for’ loop}while ( condition) { statements; //body of loop}
FormatIt allows initialization, condition checking and iteration statements are written on the top of the loop.It only allows initialization and condition checking at the top of the loop.
ConditionIt iterates infinite time, if no condition is given.It shows an error if the no condition is given.
InitializationIf initialization is once done if “for” loop, it never be repeated.If initialization is done while condition checking, then it si required each time when the loop iterates itself.
Iteration statementAs iteration is statement is written at the top, it will execute only after all the statements will be executed.The iteration statement can be placed anywhere in the syntax of the loop.

Main differences between “for” and “while” loop

  • Initialization, conditional checking, and increment or decrement is done while iteration in “for” loop executed. while on the other hand, only initialization and condition checking in the syntax can be done.
  • For loop is used when we are aware of the number iterations at the time of execution. on the other hand, in “while” loop, we can execute it even if we are not aware of the number of iterations.
  • If you forgot to put the conditional statement in for loop, it will reiterate the loop infinite times but if you forgot to put the conditional statement in while loop, it will show an error to you.
  • The syntax in the for loop will be executed only when the initialization statement is on the top of the syntax but in case of while loop, it doesn’t matter whether initialization statement finds anywhere in the syntax.
  • The iteration will be executed on if the body of the loop executes. on the contrary, the iteration statement in while loop can be written anywhere in the syntax.


The for loop and while loop both are iteration statement, but both have their distinct feature. The for loop do have all its declaration (initialization, condition, iteration) at the top of the body of the loop. Adversely, in while loop only initialization and condition are at the top of the body of loop and iteration may be written anywhere in the body of the loop.

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